AI is continuously transforming and revolutionising marketing. Its advancement has fundamentally changed the way businesses work, creating new opportunities for retailers, and shaping the retail landscape. And so, the idea of SmartSpotter was born after a straightforward question: 

How to maximise retail turnover by leveraging mobile technology while ensuring quality data?

The idea was to create a unique retail-specialised solution that connected flexible, experienced workforces with modern digital applications to optimise in-store execution. It was clear that clients would be interested, but there were still some challenges ahead.

Quality, quantity, or both?

As modern businesses run on data, our biggest challenge was finding a way of always ensuring faster, more accessible data at half the price. Our crowdsourcing model is built for large-scale data collection. However, that was not a real issue; clients asked for quality. When we started, the most frustrating part of the insights provided by classic merchandising companies was quality assurance.

Hence, the most common questions we got asked were as follows:

1. "How are you ensuring quality information if it comes from a crowd"?
2. "Is it just made up by regular shoppers with no training whatsoever?"

These were fair questions, ones that we were ready to answer.

Ensuring Quality Data in Crowdsourcing

With our model, collecting the data our clients need in the field has never been easier. Although our element is the crowd, we knew from the beginning that our message to the brands had to be focused on the data rather than the person collecting it. 

We understand that inaccurate or unreliable data can lead to wasted time and money, so high-quality information is essential for business success. And so, we can assure that SmartSpotter takes the quality of our data very seriously.

We have built a platform around quality data, supported by our in-house development team, business intelligence and AI integrations. Our high-skilled spotters are well trained to collect instant data on a day-to-day basis, as they are given instructions containing each task's specifics. Not only do they perform the assignments as we need them to, but we make sure that our clients receive the most trustworthy, accurate information by authorising only those submissions that meet the client's specifications and requests.

Neatly packaged into real-time, our platform provides automated, shareable and -most importantly- quality analytics that empowers you to take effective action!

Want to know more? We will contact you!

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